
We have several parking options available for everyone, so finding a spot should be easy. Located just off Fidel Street, we have a mid-size parking lot alongside of the church and by the back entrance of the church Gymnasium. We also have a large parking lot located on the opposite side of the church on Laurel Ave. There is also additional parking available in the front of the Sanctuary.


Sunday School and Children’s church is available during our Sunday worship gatherings.

Our Sunday School and Children’s Church ministries consist of parents and young leaders who lead children into a growing relationship with God. Your kids will be in a fun environment and learn to experience God through weekly Biblical lessons, fun activities, and engaging worship.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”- Matthew 19:14

 Worship Gathering

During our worship gatherings we sing songs of praise and worship, hear testimonies of God’s goodness and miracles, and listen to a sermon from our pastor or ministers. Our gatherings normally last up to 90 minutes.